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October 21, 2009
Description Gallatin County Board of Park Commission October 21, 2009
Date 10/21/2009 Location Board of Park Commission
Time Speaker Note
5:04:36 PM Chairperson Collins Called to Order. I. Roll Call: Present were Carol Collins, Rick Fink, Jack Clarkson, Bill Walton and Jill Wilkinson. Staff present were Mike Harris, Coordinator and Crystal Turner, Recording Secretary. Also present were Bob Farrington of FORParks and Elwood Bakken of Gallatin Valley Skate Park Association.
5:04:54 PM Chairperson Collins There was no public comment on any items not on the agenda.
5:05:15 PM Chairperson Collins III. Approval of Minutes from September 16, 2009
5:05:24 PM Jack Clarkson Having received a copy and having read them, I would move that we approve them as presented.
5:05:32 PM Rick Fink Second
5:05:40 PM Board discussion Carol noted some typos: Page 2, top paragraph, next to bottom sentence has "the" and should be "they." Last paragraph same page, "...a larger space in case bikers to fell down..." needs "to" removed.
5:07:16 PM   Motion passed unanimously.
5:07:29 PM Chairperson Collins IV. Public Hearings Regarding the Following Action Items: MOU w/ Skate Park
5:07:39 PM Mike Harris, Parks Coordinator Stated there was miscommunication between he and Elwood Bakken regarding the contents of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Postponed until the next meeting for action. Elwood could give some input on what is being discussed with the Skate Park group.
5:09:57 PM Elwood Bakken, Gallatin Valley Skate Park Association Distributed a map of Phases 1, 2, and 3 and discussed the plan to build it. Talked about trying to get parents more involved as well as offering lessons at some point. Believes this board should spend some time on the bike issue - municipal city code states that bikes are illegal to be inside the skate park. Bikes must adhere to helmet laws although no one really polices the law. If no one is going to enforce it then don't make them wear one. Maintaining a clear line of site to the Fire Station #3 and building a picnic and/or BBQ areas nearby are two more things the GVSPA would like to see. Fundraising has been slow. Montana Skate Park Association has a $50,000 matching grant. When GVSPA raises as much they'll apply for the match grant.
5:16:01 PM Board Questions Rick Fink questioned regarding setting up times for lessons - how do they plan to set aside time for lessons. Elwood explained that in the Kirk Park facility it's written in the City code that you can't close the park to charge money for lessons. They solicit donations and everyone who skateboards is involved and they know the park is working with the newcomers at that time.
5:17:03 PM Rick Fink requested to go off the record. Off the record to allow discussion with names of those who do charge fees in City Parks.
5:17:44 PM   Back on the record. Mike discussed the difference between using a park and charging fees for lessons, classes, etc... Discussion regarding bikes and skates using the same park and the damage that pegs on bikes can do to the concrete. Bill Walton asked if there was a certification for skateboarding lessons. Elwood did not believe there is a certification required - it's very new territory. Mike clarified that bikes could be allowed if you took into consideration a stronger concrete, thicker copings, etc... Elwood agreed. Rick stated there is a large community of bikers that would use the skate park and he wondered if they were helping with donations, fundraising, etc. Elwood stated no.
5:36:58 PM Chairperson Collins Discussion and Finalizing Wording of Dinosaur Playground Rules
5:37:14 PM Bob Farrington, FORParks Distributed "Robert Leathers Planning Guide" general rules that would be good to use as starter rules that the Board could customize. FORParks would like to keep it as simple and direct as possible. Suggested: Changing bullet #1 under General from "wood fiber" instead of using "stone"...remove 4th bullet entirely - 5th bullet (regarding keeping bikes and skateboards out) tweak to read "keep out of the playground." Bob would suggest adding "Do not climb on the fence," "Do not stand or kneel on swings," "Do not climb on handrails or over shingled roofs," "Tot Lot is for children 5 and under," and "No dogs in the playground." He will create a list for the November meeting. Mike questioned if you could add "loose fitting clothing can be a hazard." Bob responded that hoodstrings are a hazard that may want to be highlighted. Specific rules regarding the slide, playground, etc... this is a generic manual usually used for school districts so it's very general. He believes he can customize something for the Dinosaur Playground. Rick mentioned sequencing all the "do nots" together.
5:43:47 PM Bob Farrington, FORParks Wanted to highlight there was a great maintenance day on 10/3/09 - believed they had 30 people volunteering. Installed 3 new benches, will be installing 2 more next spring. Everything has been wood-sealed for winter. All the rest of the tiles have been installed.
5:45:56 PM Chairperson Collins Resolution on Procedures Document for Authorization for Issuance of Licenses and Leases for Use of County Parks
5:46:31 PM   Bill Walton questioned regarding food/beverage license: included or separate license? Mike responded that it is a different system that goes through the County Attorney's office. Carol questioned under #2 the "uses for community event."
5:55:15 PM Jack Clarkson I'll move that we approve Resolution (with comments from Crystal Turner to determine number) #BPC2009-003 with the changes that were made at this meeting.
5:56:05 PM Jill Wilkinson Second
5:56:26 PM   Motion passed unanimously.
5:56:40 PM Chairperson Collins Commented that Rick's email request for the Pebble Brook Condo Association update - she is requesting to know what the Board's follow up action was. The Board needs to look back at the July meeting minutes and refer that to Pebble Brook. Crystal will do this for the Board and send the information to Mary Routhier.
5:59:21 PM Mike Harris, Parks Coordinator Mentioned he talked to a group who was looking at the routes to the new middle school. During discussion it was suggested to open Ferguson to open for pedestrians and bicycles. Those coming from Harvest Creek would still be cutting through the Regional Park.
6:03:07 PM Crystal Turner Discussion regarding no resolution number being assigned to the resolution that was approved at the meeting held in the Regional Park which amended Resolution #BPC2006-03 which was in regards to littering.
6:05:52 PM Jack Clarkson I would make the motion that the Board assign resolution #BPC2009-004 to the resolution we passed on the 16th of September, 2009.
6:06:18 PM Rick Fink Second
6:06:26 PM   Motion passed unanimously.
6:06:40 PM Chairperson Collins V. Discussion Items: Review of BOPC Claims - previous claims were mileage reimbursement for Carol Collins and Jack Clarkson from the September meeting, and a deposit of $528 from the hay proceeds.
6:07:25 PM Chairperson Collins Status of Language for Dedication Sign of Dinosaur Playground to Bob Farrington
6:07:32 PM Mike Harris, Parks Coordinator Working with GVLT that is currently making some plaques for Drinking Horse trail so Mike is trying to get a "package deal" discounted price by making our sign with theirs.
6:07:52 PM Chairperson Collins Executive Committee Meetings - Carol stated that she and Crystal were the only two present at the last Executive Meeting. Carol suggested that she just work with Crystal and then send out a draft agenda to the rest of the Board for input. If there is no input it will be considered finalized - if there is input or suggested additions/changes the agenda will be amended.
6:08:59 PM Chairperson Collins VI. Other: General Park/Subdivision Updates
6:09:02 PM Mike Harris, Parks Coordinator Awarded grant from the National Park Service to allow work on trail connections in the Bozeman/Belgrade areas. Also we were awarded another $10,000 grant from PBS to continue with Interconnect Park plans.
6:13:26 PM   Rick recognizes the "we" that PBS refers to, and is recognizing, that it really was all done by Mike and Ada (Montague) and he really appreciates their work. Carol echoed those statements and said they told Ada that at the July meeting she attended. She questioned if Ada has been able to dedicate more time towards this effort because it really seems like she is doing so much more for the Parks now. Mike said yes, 1/3 of her time is dedicated to Parks.
6:15:30 PM Mike Harris, Parks Coordinator Mike will attend the Local Government luncheon in Three Forks this Friday to discuss the park districts creation legislation that was amended this last legislative session. Mike will email the Board everything he has prepared on this.
6:21:24 PM Mike Harris, Parks Coordinator Knife River came to the Regional Park and dumped gravel and smoothed it all out - they donated the gravel to fill in some areas of the Dinosaur Playground parking lot area because they were working on Davis Lane. County Road Shop crew will bring in a finer clay base to make it last longer. Mike is removing two of the three port-a-potties since they aren't being used. He is also sitting on the committee that is designing the new Fairgrounds restrooms to learn more for the future bathrooms at the Regional Park. Still anticipating spring 2010 to put bids out for architectural design of the bathrooms.  
6:25:43 PM Jack Clarkson At the last meeting we were discussing signage to remind park visitors that this is "their" park too and to respect and maintain it. He used his mileage reimbursement check and a little of his own money to create signs that read, "This is your park. Please help keep it clean."
6:27:52 PM Chairperson Collins Subcommittee Reports
6:28:02 PM Bill Walton Was going to talk to Mike about setting up a date to meet with the Lions Club for the Amphitheater Committee.
6:29:23 PM Chairperson Collins Chair Report - there was no chair report.
6:30:22 PM   Next meeting is scheduled for November 18th. MOU and Dinosaur Playground rules will be on the action item portion of the agenda.
6:31:00 PM   Meeting adjourned.